Liability and Rights

This website has been prepared with the utmost care, and shall be updated regularly. GlobalGreenPact BV cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from inaccuracies and/or inadequacies on this website, however. GlobalGreenPact BV can not be held responsible for damage to computer hardware or software, viruses or other inconveniences and/or loss of time, resulting from the use of this website.

The user must ensure that all natural enemies that are applied are allowed in that area/country.

The entire content of this website, including all graphic and photographic images, is protected by the copyright of GlobalGreenPact BV, unless otherwise stated.

No part of this website may be reproduced and/or publicized in any form or by any means: printing, photocopying, microfilm, digital or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Global Green Pact.

If you get permission from GlobalGreenPact BV to use a photographic image, then you are always required to name the source as: Global Green Pact

The general terms and conditions are open for inspection at our office, and will be sent to you at your request. If you use our website, you agree to accept the validity of our general terms and conditions

These General Conditions are applicable to all our quotations, notifications, agreements of purchase and sale and activities performed by us. These General Conditions are also applicable to all advice rendered and to service agreements.